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“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing

- Albert Einstein -

Journal Publications
  • Fong DTP, Lue KBK, Chung MML, Chu VWS, Yung PSH (2020). An individually moulded insole with 5-mm medial arch support reduces peak impact and loading at the heel after a one-hour treadmill run. Gait & Posture, 82, 90-95.

  • Chung MML, Chan RWY, Fung YK, Fong SSM, Lam SSL, Lai CWK, Ng SSM (2014). Reliability and validity of alternate step test times in subjects with chronic stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46, 969-974.

  • Fong DTP, Pang KY, Chung MML, Hung ASL, Chan KM (2012). Evaluation of combined prescription of rocker sole shoes and custom-made foot orthoses for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Clinical Biomechanics, 27(10), 1072-1077.


  • Fong DTP, Chung MML, Chan YY, Chan KM (2012). A mechanical jig for measuring ankle supination and pronation torque in vitro and in vivo. Medical Engineering and Physics, 34(6), 791-794. 



  • Ho EPY, Lam MH, Chung MML, Fong DTP, Law BKY, Yung PSH, Chan WY, Chan KM (2011). Comparison of two surgical techniques for reconstructing posterolateral corner of the knee - a cadaveric study evaluated by navigation system. Arthroscopy, 27(1), 89-96. 

  • Chan YY, Fong DTP, Chung MML, Li WJ, Liao WH, Yung PSH, Chan KM (2010). Identification of ankle sprain motion from common sporting activities by dorsal foot kinematics data. Journal of Biomechanics, 43(10), 1965-1969. 



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